
Superflab Bolus Material is offered in thicknesses which provide maximum dose build-up for relevant photon energies. Since the material does not suffer inelastic strain from normal stresses, it does not have to be bagged or wrapped in plastic film to maintain its shape.
At the option of the user, however, Superflab may be wrapped in disposable plastic film for cleanliness and use; or it may be washed with soap and water as needed followed by an application of talcum powder or cornstarch. Superflab sheets are elastic and quite "flabby". It does conform nicely to patient's contour while maintaining good uniformity to thickness.
- For maximum dose build-up to skin
- Conforms well to Patient's contour
- Very elastic and quite "FLABBY"
- Maintains uniformity to thickness
- Skinless
- Semi-transparent
- Will not dry out
- Specific Gravity: 1.02
- Can be washed with soap and water
- Can be cut with scissors
- Approved for human contact
The dosimetric properties of Superflab bolus material were determined by comparison with polystyrene of various thicknesses, using both photon and electron beams of various energies. Subsequently it was compared with water and was found to be closer to simulation of water than is polystyrene.
Since this vinyl gel has both an electron buildup characteristic and a density closer to that of water than polystyrene (long accepted as standard) it is anticipated that this flexible tissue substitute will find wide acceptance in radiotherapy clinics.
- 8117-0.2 - Plaque Bolus Superflab 30 x 30 cm x 0.2 cm d’épaisseur
- 8117-0.3 - Plaque Bolus Superflab 30 x 30 cm x 0.3 cm d’épaisseur
- 8117-0.5 - Plaque Bolus Superflab 30 x 30 cm x 0.5 cm d’épaisseur
- 8117-1.0 - Plaque Bolus Superflab 30 x 30 cm x 1.0 cm d’épaisseur
- 8117-1.5 - Plaque Bolus Superflab 30 x 30 cm x 1.5 cm d’épaisseur
- 8117-2.0 - Plaque Bolus Superflab 30 x 30 cm x 2.0 cm d’épaisseur
- 8117-2.5 - Plaque Bolus Superflab 30 x 30 cm x 2.5 cm d’épaisseur
- 8117-3.0 - Plaque Bolus Superflab 30 x 30 cm x 3.0 cm d’épaisseur