
The Catphan 600 was designed to evaluate the maximum performance potential of multi-slice CT Scanners.
The Catphan 600 combines the internationally recognized CTP528 and CTP515 modules contained in the Catphan 500 with the versatility of the CTP591 slice geometry and point source bead module. The CTP591 bead module contains both course ramps (1mm z axis increments) and precision ramps (.25mm z axis increments) for evaluation of millimeter and sub-millimeter thin slices. Additionally the number of sensitometry samples has been increased.
Include carrying case.
- Test-Summary:
- sensitometry (linearity)
- scan slice geometry (slice width and slice sensitivity profiles)
- pixel (matrix) size
- circular symmetry
- phantom position verification
- patient alignment system check
- scan incrementation
- slice width for thin slices
- slice width for thick slices
- MTF and SSP with two size point sources
- test on multiple slices in a multi-slice sequence
- high resolution measurement -up to 21 line pairs per cm
- low contrast sensitivity
- comparative subslice and supra-slice low contrast sensitivity
- spatial uniformity
- noise (precision) of CT systems
- CTP404
- CTP591
- CTP528
- CTP515
- CTP486
- CTP600 - Catphan 600 Phantom