
The IMT CT/SIM Check, developed with our clinical partners, is designed with simplicity and ergonomics in mind while providing a broad range of Daily QA Procedures for compliance with TG 66 CT SIM Protocols. If you're treating SRS or SBRT, Daily CT QA should be an integral part of your QA routines. The CT/SIM Check is the ideal solution for ensuring that the critical elements of the CT Simulator remain within established parameters. This daily tool is light-weight, reproducible and efficient. The CT/SIM Check fulfills a multitude of tests necessary for daily evaluation of the CT SIM performance. The range of tests include: Constancy checks for HU, volume uniformity, laser alignment in three axes, image orientation display, geometric scaling and isocenter laser localization. These tests provide the clinician with daily metrics, acceptance of use, and long-term trending analysis. When paired with our iQA Auto Analysis Software, therapists can perform daily CT QA in under 5 minutes while the physicist monitors daily performance and acceptance criteria. Reports are automatically emailed based on Pass, Marginal Pass, and Fail criteria. Data trending and process performance characteristics are always in full view.
- IMT-019 - CT/SIM Check Phantom