DP 1000
It can be used to define precise correlation of CT data to electron density of various tissues.
TG-142 Check Phantom
Designed with efficiency in mind while implementing a fully-comprehensive range of TG-142 QA test protocols.
Winston-Lutz Cube
Efficient and highly reproducible method for determining Isocenter Verification of the Gantry, Collimator, Treatment Table Rotation Axes, and Lasers.
iQA Software
Designed to provide simple, procedural QA process implementation that is therapist-friendly and completely visible to administrative functions.
DP 850 Phantom
The DP-850 is the first comprehensive "End-to-End" phantom that evaluates the entire radiotherapy treatment process.
Importing and exporting DICOM images across multiple platforms can produce image mismatches that are difficult to detect.
L-RAD Phantom
The L-Rad phantom provides a low-cost solution for medical physicists to perform EPID-based radiation field size and light field coincidence checks.